Sunday, July 29, 2007

"At the sprinkle's park"W parku z woda"

"Gabi and Bella my best friends""Gabi i Bella moje najlepsze kolezanki"

"Lucy and Gabi-very nice picture"

"I like to fool around""Lubie wyglupiac sie"

"With Mummy""Z mamusia"

"We builded the sandcastle""Budowalismy zamek z piasku"

Monday, July 16, 2007

"Government Center"

"We had a lot of fun""Bawilysmy sie wysmienicie"

"My Aunty Lucy and my friends""Moja ciocia Lucy i kumpelki "

"Bella my best friend""Bella moja kumpela"

Sunday, July 08, 2007

"Canada Day""Dzien Kanady"

"Julia and her little stroller""Julia i jej maly wozeczek"