I was born in Olsztyn on the 30th of March 2005. My Moms name is Aga and my Dads name is Pat.Untill I finished 3 months we lived with my Grandma Maria in Olsztyn. I have one dog called Maya.First year I lived in Carleton Place with Mom, Dad and Opi!Now I live in Edmonton but mybe some day we could come back to Ottawa and we'll buy a house close to our familly.
"This is Aunte Ansa she took me on many walks and even baby sat me while mom and dad where out having fun. I had more fun with Aunte Ansa than mom and dad did."
"This is my Omi I call her "Omi Sweeden" Here we are together on a boat going to Finland. It was fun I got a nice gift from Omi, it was a sleeping Moose. Thanks Omi , Love you."